New Project Management Task

This article explains about the new Project Management task that has been added to all workflows already. It was done for both Standard and CoDyt projects. This task was created with the new MT workflows in mind as an extra step to see if the revisors/proof readers are making any changes to the MT content or not. This also applies to all projects going forward regardless of the project type.

CoDyt projects

1) For CoDyt projects, this task is created per file. So you need to assign each of these project management task to yourself. See the screenshot below:


2) So in this task you will need to open each and every file/language and run a "Quick QA Check" to make sure there are no issues with in the file.

Standard projects

1) For Standard projects, this task is created per file set. So you have to create a task with all the files while you are creating Translation/Revision/MTPE/Proofreading tasks. See the video from the link below of how to create a project management task.

Standard Project Management Task.mp4

2) You have to run the "Quick QA Check" to make sure there are no issues with in the file